Begging and pleading to be with her,
talked to her mother
told his brother.
“I love her, I want her to be my wife.
I need her, we’ll have the perfect life.”
But he brought far too much strife.
Smart girl didn’t follow her own plan.
Listened to her mother’s beliefs
in yet another manipulative man.
He knew his Love, had left, she ran!
But he went after her with tears in eyes,
found slick words to cover up lies--
got her yet again to compromise.
Created a family with a devil following man.
Gullible woman became his number one fan.
Forsake all others while he hangs with his brothers.
Often believes what he says is true.
Friends she has, about a few.
Like her man, their men like to play,
they lie and lay, lie and lay--could care less
about a wedding day. Their boys tell them what to say.
Regrets of past decisions are hid.
Keep dark secrets under a lid,
because if certain relatives
knew the truth,
that poor man would lose a tooth.
Nicholl McGuire