
Aches and pains
another heart he had gained
used it up
spit it out
didn't understand why she would shout.

Confused, used, abused
here we go
it was all insane.
He wanted all women to stay in their lane.

They went left or right or got out of his sight
He would pull them back with all of his might.
A word here or there, a cold-hearted stare.
Not too many got away, not more than a few.
He had so many, all different hues.

Suck the life out of them, didn't believe he was ever in sin!
Lied to get money, power and prestige...these were his lures
this is what he would feed.

Promise of a house on a hill.
Promise to pay a bill.
Promise his love would chill.
Promise to take them on a thrill.

I fell for the lines and thought he was all mine.
I learned later I was just another in his line.
Should have known better, he was indeed fine.

He blew you away with all his lies.
The truth he had despised.
I couldn't keep track,
emotions he did lack.

If you were lucky enough to get away,
he would use his tears and your fears
to win you back then present a world
as if he was intact.

A rage was present within this man.
That's why some women left, they ran.
I was the one who stuck around
and I was the one whose heart

As long as you don't make one sound.
Be sweet, be nice, smell of sugar and spice,
he might keep you around.

Nicholl McGuire is the Author of Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and the owner of this blog.

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