Mentally Controlled by Lovers Rooster Pecked Women - Relationship Advice

Although this is not poetry, but commentary about women who are controlled by their intimate partners, it is still relevant to the subject matter on this site about love.  Be free from a suffocating relationship!  Nicholl shares more insightful and spiritual audio at YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.  Feel free to subscribe!


It wasn't easy to be me,
didn't want responsibility--
was once young,
liked to have fun,
and didn't hesitate to run!

Didn't want problem men,
but was in much sin--
always had a "friend."

But the dating game changed,
a player had rearranged a
young girl's mind--
smacked me far too much
on the behind.

Saw what I wanted to see,
wanted the player to just love me.
Thought I had the game figured out,
but my head experienced a clout.

Caught up in chasing after love,
received some insight from above.
Didn't want to wait for it to find me,
wanted what stood in front of me.

If now was now, so be it,
make the square try to fit
in a round hole, a lost soul.

You see, so many young girls
with hair full of curls,
with bright lipstick,
excited about Dick,
who is blind, and
could care less
about making them sick.

Months later bent over a toilet,
asking themselves, "Was it worth it?"
Regrets, upset, "Who was that
I just met?"

Didn't bother to put their guard up,
told to, "Shut the f*ck up!"
Pounding in and out,
boy men getting aroused when they shout.

So the young girl becomes crazy lady
now with a crying, wet baby,
wants Dick to make her his "Lady."
He just wanted the butt.

But players don't change,
old lovers out of range,
always looking for a fresh piece of meat,
they leave lives incomplete.

Nicholl McGuire, see YouTube channel: nmenterprise7

If You Thought

If you thought that I ought,
I sought.

If you thought that I should not,
I fought.

If you believed I could,
I would.

People wrote my life stories,
I pretended to get the glories.

Told me they cared for me,
so many lies I would see.

They said what I should,
then I would, I would.

No joy with a new boy,
played by him like a toy.

Not happy with more money
or promises sweet like honey.

Always an issue,
go grab a tissue.

People say that they will do,
but sooner or later they forget about you.

Claim that they are being true,
this happened with more than a few.

Fall behind on bills,
climbing steep financial hills.

Desired to be on top,
no time to stop.

Thoughts run away from you,
" to do, got to do!"

Then one day you get sick,
from a demon's sticky lick.

Try to find a righteous way,
attempt to pray,
but forget what to say.

Calls come through on a phone,
pick up and get a dial tone.

No time to bring any more people in,
need to rid yourself of a sin.

A rebel keeps getting into trouble,
before long a life turns into rubble.

Nicholl McGuire

True Love Must Be Earned - a poem by Nicholl McGuire

Flowers, rain showers,
the beauty went on for hours.
I saw a rainbow after the last drop fell,
my health started doing very well.

Had been lovesick for days,
I thought it was just a phase.

This was something so new,
made me think of much to do.

In my sickness,
saw so many past faces,
had remembered being in so many dark places.

But this special person did things to me,
stuff I had dreams about, you see?

But days of spending time alone,
and feeling those pains that
made me groan,
I knew that this person was my one,
waited for years to finally have some real fun!

The best was yet to come!
Spent years fighting my fears,
and holding back so many tears.

Then along comes That One
who makes it all feel better,
I couldn't wait to sit
down and pen a love letter.

When I was a child,
I thought of times like these,
seemed so far beyond what
the eyes could see.

Worked hard to become free,
desired much for someone
to just love me.

Then you finally earn the right,
to be that only one in their sight.

Yesterday was definitely worth the fight.
Welcomed into that special someone's light.

The one thing that I yearned,
the one thing that I learned
is true love must be earned!

Nicholl McGuire

Rejected Kiss

Figured out
why he makes me shout
and why I want to get out!

Thought about the love I missed,
when I longed for a kiss,
but experienced a diss.

It was years before under a floor,
in a basement
when rejection left me sore.

I wanted so bad to feel glad,
but ended up feeling so mad!

What was a boyfriend for?
Relationships were such a bore.

At the young age of eleven,
I desired an earth like heaven.

There was much hoped for in that kiss,
one I didn't think I would miss.

Books and movies had prepared me for that day,
it was "...the kiss" they would say.

Something so special to make life better,
I asked for one in a love letter.

Prince Charming was supposed to pucker up,
but instead I felt ashamed, hoped he would shut up.

A boy wasn't ready for an adult life,
heard that love could cut like a knife.

So fast forward to this very present day,
rejection was evident--another reason to pray.

Nicholl McGuire
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