You're Not Crazy, He's Just Wrong for You

Unclean hands,

he calls them clean.

That’s what he does,

inner spirit, mean.

Wrong about issues,

says he’s right.

Hold things against you,

all night.

Starts trouble with his lies,

claims he tells the truth.

Ignores your cries.

You say up,

he says down.

There he goes with his frown!

Show him a good time and a few good things,

he looks for the bad in the lyrics that he sings.

Passive, aggressive.

Seeks ways to pay you back,

puffs himself up,

came from lack.

Doesn’t listen to sound advice,

wisdom he ignores;

rather play a head game of dice.

What’s up with this man?

Rarely smiles.

Been walking with him for miles.

Convinces self,

“I’m good.”

Doesn’t want anyone telling him, “You should…”

A distorted view on who he really is.

Love like his, loses its fizz.

Tried communicating,

But so suffocating!

Feelings used against me,

Pain runs like the sea.

So I went to God…

witnesses saw the truth,

pointed out lies,

relationship dies.

Now he doesn’t speak,

tries to appear meek.

No one’s friend

when in sin.

Don’t have the patience

to start again.

Can’t counsel anymore,

asking God to restore
a broken heart once more.

Love What, Love Who!?

Poem dedicated to any reader who has been asked by a mate to do things you really didn't want to do.

Love you, love what?

If I agree to this,
then who might I be?

Say what, say who?
What about you?

I have to think about this.
Don't know if I can put up with this.

Not happy with that,
compromise what!?  For a few...

Gifts, kisses?  But, that's right holiday misses!
All is forgotten, but not necessarily.

Somehow equated love with what you do--
had a feeling things would go like this!

Routines, tasks, life challenges.
Death, mayhem, crying, misunderstandings.

Love you, love what, love who!?

A representation of a mother, a father
with issues--oh yes, lots of issues!
Relatives here, there and everywhere!
Past friends, co-workers, fans...
so many want access to you!

I am to love the you, the who, within.
But who are you really?

So many guards, protection all around
a torn heart, a childhood past, and addictions that seem to last and last!

Eyes look through me.
I think your asking too much!

Don't know the who, the what, the where, the why
and how might I go about this?

Expecting me to be open to what you do.
Find myself asking,
"Love what, love who?"

Nicholl McGuire

Lost Me

When love walked in,
Me walked out.

Focused on him.
The way he looked, dressed, walked, smiled...
it was all about him.

When he called.
When he came by.
Dropped everything.
When he wanted something.
Gave it to him.

Got angry one day.
Looked in the mirror.
Didn't recognize the eyes that looked back at Me.

Pregnant Me,
so far gone!

Between child and man,
no time for Me.

My identity stolen.
Left it out to be snatched away.

Their worlds, became my world.
Their time, became mine.

Lost myself in them.

Who was I?

Still bold, brash, loving, kind, sweet...
it was hard to tell.

I felt weak.

Mother, wife
was all that came to mind.

Forgot about what I liked to do.
Painting, singing, talking, sightseeing.

So I stole back Me.
When loved walked in, I didn't walk
this time.

Stuck with my plan.
This was my life,
and I was still Me.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Spiritual Poems by Nicholl

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