The Muse Within Me

She told me my work didn't thrive without love.
Who would be my muse this time?

Would it be the man who paints the beautiful trees?
Or the one with plump lips who speaks so softly.

Maybe it would be the one who loved me when...
or maybe his friend who hid his jealousy.

I loved them all with all their flaws and unique beauties.
One was tall, one white, one brown
one liked to keep his hair down.
One was fat and one just sat
and then there was one who liked to run...

They made my stomach churn, always a lot to learn.
Always fell in love so deeply,
but never did I stay above the clouds for long.

At some point their words would shatter my mind
divide me up into little wretched beings!
I would try each one on like clothing.
Toss those out that didn't fit me.

Oh those temporary lovers--
no spirit!
They tried to take my mind away from me!

Those deceptive liars
with deceptive charms
turned snakes!

I hated them all!
oh they were so ordinary
so dull
so boring
so cheap!

They always took more than what they gave!
Throw them out of my heart, my mind!
Take back what was lost this time!

I needed to find my muse once again within me.

Nicholl McGuire

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