
It wasn't easy to be me,
didn't want responsibility--
was once young,
liked to have fun,
and didn't hesitate to run!

Didn't want problem men,
but was in much sin--
always had a "friend."

But the dating game changed,
a player had rearranged a
young girl's mind--
smacked me far too much
on the behind.

Saw what I wanted to see,
wanted the player to just love me.
Thought I had the game figured out,
but my head experienced a clout.

Caught up in chasing after love,
received some insight from above.
Didn't want to wait for it to find me,
wanted what stood in front of me.

If now was now, so be it,
make the square try to fit
in a round hole, a lost soul.

You see, so many young girls
with hair full of curls,
with bright lipstick,
excited about Dick,
who is blind, and
could care less
about making them sick.

Months later bent over a toilet,
asking themselves, "Was it worth it?"
Regrets, upset, "Who was that
I just met?"

Didn't bother to put their guard up,
told to, "Shut the f*ck up!"
Pounding in and out,
boy men getting aroused when they shout.

So the young girl becomes crazy lady
now with a crying, wet baby,
wants Dick to make her his "Lady."
He just wanted the butt.

But players don't change,
old lovers out of range,
always looking for a fresh piece of meat,
they leave lives incomplete.

Nicholl McGuire, see YouTube channel: nmenterprise7

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