That One Last Time

Pointing at one, two,
Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into?

In my mind, his name keeps popping up,
did someone put somethin' in my cup?

He walks in the door, "What's up?"
I'm trying to figure out did he make a stop.
Feel like I'm about to blow my top!

Familiar faces, names, and lies he tells,
a little idle time and yet again he fails!
Can't keep his friend tucked away,
he always finds somewhere to lay.

No eyes, just one big mouth.
You know that friend, the one down South!

Some of you have been there too,
wondering how many women,
hmm more than a few!

When you think it's just one,
and he promises, "I'm done..."
that's when you find out,
he has more than a son.

Nicholl McGuire

Just a friendly reminder, protect yourself!  You never know where cheaters go, some so carefree--on the down-low.

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