Relationship Games

Exchange phone numbers
play the game of who will call first?

Exchange stories of the past
does anyone really care?

Exchange dates and times to see one another
who will commit?

Exchange money for entertainment
neither insists to pay.

Hold on to hands open for something new.
Hold on to memories won't be too trusting.
Hold on to past lovers and say there only friends.

Now the calls of lust come.
Want another replay to numb the pain that haunts a broken soul.

Too busy to address issues rather break up to make up.
Too unforgiving but will bury it just this once.
Too afraid to commit to someone just as broken.

Play the game until one grows weary.
Then stop when someone else comes along that's new.
Gamble once again with unresolved issues, a misguided spirit, and no money.
Claim an unsuspecting victim in the game we call, relationship.

Nicholl McGuire
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