All Show, No Go

Does everybody know about this show?
Told too many lies, oh someone has to know.

Thought everything was good,
at least it should...

Be nice, be polite
be sweet tonight.

If you treat me like this,
maybe I won't diss.

If you talk very little,
maybe I will kiss your middle.

If you act this way,
maybe I will do what I say.

There is something wrong,
times like this, gone too long!

Perform and you get,
do and I will let
was it like that
when you first met?

What kind of relationship is this,
only flourishes when missed?

Had thoughts about jumping ship,
fattening a lip,
and taking a dip.

Wanted to be with this one,
and that one too,
but good men are but a few.

There are those who are all show,
but they can't go, go, go.

Not in bed, out of bed,
forget what they said.

Tell you how much they will do,
but then favors are few.

Say they love you,
but when you call, they say, "Who?"

What one thinks is happiness,
turns out to be a mess.

I tell you it's a show,
there is no go.
Just sit in front of a screen
and watch So and So.

Nicholl McGuire also maintains the blog, When Mothers Cry

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