When I met him…

He told me he had fallen in love
said he wanted me to be his wife.
A daughter we would have
Suga was looking for spice.

I gave him what he wanted
Attention, affection, love
and commitment.
But he had dark secrets
just like most men
and I wanted him, to let me in.

His feelings were hid for
the past he was protecting.
Old memories arouse,
Thoughts to renew vows.

He had hoped her mind would change
But she had moved on a long time ago.
And this he couldn’t understand
For he still loved her so.

I couldn’t be her… neither did I want to.
I knew I took a risk when I allowed him in
my email, my heart
my phone, my apartment
My lovely little hole…
Which he yearned for more.

But what was I to gain if his
heart was somewhere else?
What was I to gain if his mind
Was somewhere else?

Please God let him see
He is the one for me.
Please God let him know
I am the friend not the foe.
Please God show him I need him
for he completes me.
Please God be with him
Like you have for me.

Nicholl McGuire

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