Love Me

Allow me to rest easy in your arms,
say soft words and decorate me with charms.

Love me like no other.
Respect me like you do your mother.

Be my best friend,
until the very end.

There aren't many of you left.
You are the best secret kept.

Some tell me I'm lucky to have you.
That's why I do all that I can do.

But sometimes you forget,
just how we first met.

There was no real connection.
Our flesh wasn't yet under subjection.

So we didn't really try.
We just gave it all up for a lie.

Sometimes we have to review the past,
in order to make love last.

Sometimes we have to realize the truth.
Go back to the book of Ruth.

For you were my Boaz,
and I was your Ruth.

It was like a business meeting,
just with limited seating.

Ruth needed security,
Boaz wasn't looking for an enemy.

Both allowed one another in,
both knew the consequences of sin.

He took care of her,
wrapped her up like fur.

Now I want that too.
Want to know that you will be true.

There is a sun in our life.
Takes away all the stress and strife.

Need to know that you are on my team.
Need to know that you are all that you seem.

So make me permanent in your life.
Make this thing exclusive, make me your wife.

Nicholl McGuire

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