No Good Jesse

Not happy with my life!

Angered with the man I once cared about.

Taken for a ride,

but not anymore.

He doesn’t want his family,

ruining his profile.

He does what is convenient for self --

the littlest of things.

Major sacrifices?

Not on this man's agenda.

He has issues!

Still caught up in the past,

with thoughts and feet walking.

How can one move on with his life?

When he still ponders about the “what ifs" of life?

If you knew him you would love him --

temporarily that is...

Until you learned of his selfishness,

his insecurities,

his lies!

Did I tell you he was a liar?

Holds his head in an odd way.

Looks down,

looks around...

As if I can’t see the truth.

Always hiding something.

Says he isn’t doing this or that.

But he is always doing.

Whether driving to places,

if I only knew.

Whether texting messages,

if only I knew.

Whether flirting with the ladies on the street,

if only I knew.

But I know.

I can’t go,

not yet.

No plan!

Too easy to run

to nothing ahead,

only to turn back around again.

So I’ll just wait.

Nicholl McGuire

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