Love Poetry So Easily Misunderstood

A love poem paints abstract pictures
of one's heart, mind, soul
with broad, bold strokes or thin, suttle ones:
the good, the bad, the ugly.

A love poem advises, wishes, dreams, lies or curses.
To those ignorant of its functions,
not always does a poem tell the story of the one painting the picture.

There are no rules, no regulations, no obligations
when the poet pours out his or her soul or tells another's story,
love poems do not always stay in between lines.

Just as lovers deceive one another with their false smiles and reassurances,
love poems, at times, may suffocate the readers' common sense
for they are enhanced, specially designed to take lovers far away from all that is or draw them near in hopes that they will change.

Love poems may be therapeutic for some, but oftentimes are not
they just exist, nothing to gain, nothing to lose.

Psychologists, therapists, and friends who don't understand,
analyze the writer as if he or she has left themselves wide open
for opinion, therapy, or study
their efforts are fruitless.

A love poem simply is just what it is
a story whether fact or fiction it's just a story.
If only eyes who read love poems would refrain from focusing on the why
and looked toward the what of their own lives.

What is it about you that makes you run or hide from love?
What is it about you that makes you embrace or fall in love?

For the poet tells the story to the reader who listens and learns,
but woe to the one who doesn't.

Written By Nicholl McGuire

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