
Aches and pains
another heart he had gained
used it up
spit it out
didn't understand why she would shout.

Confused, used, abused
here we go
it was all insane.
He wanted all women to stay in their lane.

They went left or right or got out of his sight
He would pull them back with all of his might.
A word here or there, a cold-hearted stare.
Not too many got away, not more than a few.
He had so many, all different hues.

Suck the life out of them, didn't believe he was ever in sin!
Lied to get money, power and prestige...these were his lures
this is what he would feed.

Promise of a house on a hill.
Promise to pay a bill.
Promise his love would chill.
Promise to take them on a thrill.

I fell for the lines and thought he was all mine.
I learned later I was just another in his line.
Should have known better, he was indeed fine.

He blew you away with all his lies.
The truth he had despised.
I couldn't keep track,
emotions he did lack.

If you were lucky enough to get away,
he would use his tears and your fears
to win you back then present a world
as if he was intact.

A rage was present within this man.
That's why some women left, they ran.
I was the one who stuck around
and I was the one whose heart

As long as you don't make one sound.
Be sweet, be nice, smell of sugar and spice,
he might keep you around.

Nicholl McGuire is the Author of Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and the owner of this blog.

Went Back (1996)

Foundation was supposed to be built on love.
Reminded by a beautiful, white dove.

I got a cold feelin'--
sittin' back chillin'.

This time it will be different 'cause he promised.
He pays for food and rent.

Common sense left after a hug, a kiss.
Captivated by the things I miss.

Lured back in with a stare.
Turned my head to hide my glare.

Voice within tells the truth.
What are you doing?
This isn't the Book of Ruth!

Untrue, unlike, uncommon--
together out of spite.
That last one like to fight.

Never number one.
Second best 'cause I'm fun.
What have I done?
What have I done?

I got a cold feelin'--
sittin' back chillin'.

This won't end well.
An emotional jail cell,
plans to leave hell.

Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate.

Last Year

One year away, often I pray--
didn't have any more to say.

Mind was clouded
by a need for money.
Life wasn't so sweet,
cost too much to keep Honey.

I awoke to my truth
when I read the Book of Ruth.

Save that drama for Mama.

Last year the broken woman died.
I was tired of being tried.
Relationship analyzed, they lied.

Fools didn't know my story,
didn't know I gave God the glory!
Mama got her peace!!
Mouths just need to cease.

I awoke to tooth pain,
while suffering around the so-called sane.
What was to gain by staying
in your own lane?

Happy now, I'm back!
It took two teeth to crack.
Dentist brought me back to life,
no more walking around in strife.

Same year job no longer fulfilling,
bad hand the company was dealing.
My fate didn't need sealing.
Best thing to do, leave and experience healing.

Yes been away, still pray,
that's all I got to say today.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Say Goodbye to Dad and other books.

Poet Nicholl with son Wes - Happy New Year!

You Walked Out on Me with Your Eyes

It wasn't long after the date
eyes were already looking for a new mate.
Always open for a new discovery.
Instead these men need to be looking for recovery.

A heart broken, mind split,
his body weak for the clit.
Never wants to see the light.
Fights truth with all his might.

So this time who will she be,
white skin, light brown or someone like me,
or maybe not a she, but a he?

Secrets do tell, one likes females and males.
Wouldn't dare cross the line,
wouldn't be the one to take love
from behind.

Oh, why do people hide, lie...
deep sigh,
cry for love from above--
only to respond with a shove?

Yes, I met his type before on
the seventh floor.  Decorated
himself up, wanted witnesses
to shut up. Real unique,
someone said, "He's sweet."

Didn't want me to find out
his true identity, that kind of
truth wasn't for me.  But I wasn't
blind, I could now see!  Jealous
that man was of me, attracted to
my femininity.

See, I keep wanting to believe his
lies in between his deep sighs,
but when I do I end up looking
for a Who?

Who is he trying to impress
with his delusional mess?  Take a selfie
trying to look his very best--for an audience
who doesn't know he's under a spiritual test.
He didn't claim me, but somebody will,
stupid man, took the cheating pill!

Looking to the past for a deceiver
using a photo to attract yet another
gullible receiver.

Please hurry oh God and expose the
slickester, trickster and the one who
attempts to "fix her."  Expose them all
on their foolishness, fake fitness...
Remind them of the vows, hows,
and why curses happen later rather than now.

Nicholl McGuire

No Going Back (1999)

I heard the loud clack,
closed the door.
Behind it,
a snore.

This was it,
no going back.
I finally got the nack.
It was easy, a snap!

No more going back and back.
Tired of spending a stack, a stack!

Couldn't go back!
His emotions did lack.
I, unfulfilled, could no longer relationship build.
Use to be very skilled at break up, to make up.
But I was one of many in his line-up.
Drank too much from an emotional death cup.

It started with his traditional belief,
brought on by intense grief.
Women stay in their lane,
sit quiet, and respect the ball and chain.
Convinced of so many foolish lies,
bad personality took me by surprise!

Anything to escape his physical pain,
how could one man be bane!
His chronic flirtation produced much frustration.
Within him, no cessation!
Remained in his dramas for far too long--
I knew, I was wrong--
was headed to damnation,
didn't flee temptation.

Couldn't see any other way out,
so I gave a blood-curdling shout,
"Want out!  Want out! I can't take anymore!
Not another whore!"
No objection, more rejection.

It became increasingly easier,
as he became more sleazier.
Beauty faded, his sweet talk
left me jaded.

Taking one day at a time,
felt like doing a crime.
Worried someone would see me,
didn't know how to free me!

Loved ones knew my struggle
and all the tasks I liked to juggle.
Warned me, "Ya'll ain't no couple.
You don't even snuggle, cuddle.  You living in a bubble!"

Looked myself in the mirror
truth became clearer.
Looked upon a smile turned upside down,
it was time to leave our miserable town.

Problem: brought the baggage with me,
drained what little glee, he grew irritating
like a flea.

As time moved so slow,
I knew I had to go.
So goodbye to the old door,
the snore,
love doesn't keep score,
it isn't a chore.
A great moment in time, Soul soar!

Nicholl McGuire