Childhood Triggers

Quiet, he says nothing.
He doesn't tell me what's on his mind.
"Please tell me something!"
I tell stories, I smile, I cry, I yell...
still he's quiet.

A lover reminded me of someone.

He laughs.
Weak people are a joke.
He considers himself better.
I start to choke.

A friend reminded me of someone.

Sneaky, smart and skeptical,
I saw this man many times in them,
they were my father,
for his sins I got grafted in...
those men, my father...
My faaathhher!

*                *                     *

Love, what was that to him?
Did it perform?
This is why I went out on a limb.
Did it suit a purpose?
What was the relevancy?
"Look at my certificates, want to see, want to see, Daddy!?"

When love caused pain, it was pushed away.
No talking, TV is on...
better not have much to say.

Seen not heard.
An attempt was made to change the father's past.
He had sex, planned for family--way too fast.

Conversation invited criticism,
shut the poor child's mouth up!
Shout her down!
He sipped too much from a cup.
Go back to being seen, not heard.

"Don't say this...
Don't say that...
If you tell..."
Old devil wearing a hat.

What was I supposed to do again?
What was I supposed to hide?
Good man walking,
my emotions were taking me for a ride.
good girl, no talking--
just a relative and a friend to confide.

Repressed memories,
revealed truth.
Harsh words
ruined a child's self esteem.
Angry hands
caused a child to fear men.
Control, control must have control--
he invited a spirit of confusion.
This wasn't discipline!

Recalled why getting shoved was okay,
why being called names was alright,
learned to formulate scripts on what to say...
why grabbing received a pass from a lover--
too many times in one day.

Didn't wonder anymore why childhood triggers
pushed me into the arms of what the patriarch said was,
"No Good N*ggers!"

I could understand,
even if he too was a black man.

The power of the pen,
freed me, wrote my way out of misery.

Thought back to the past,
realized why love didn't last.
Tired of the blame, caught up in the shame,
being exposed, he didn't want to feel lame.

"So shut that child up,
put something in that cup...
leave me alone,
don't bother to phone."
I heard it all in his tone.

Destroyed false beliefs,
wasn't going back to provide any reliefs.

Moving on with this thing called, life,
being healed from one particular strife.

God sees all and
pride comes before
a man's fall.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Say Goodbye to Dad and other books.

A Word from Nicholl, Blogger of

I had no plans back in 2007 to blog about anything related to my past.  A past riddled of loveless relationships, pain, verbal and nonverbal abuse as well as physical violence.  I can't honestly say that I was ever head over heels in love with anyone since my high school days, but I have loved.  The kind of love that isn't juvenile, lust-filled or crazy like a woman obsessed.  Rather, I have simply loved those who have been rejected, abused and bitter about life in the hopes that somehow my being in their worlds would be some benefit/relief.  However, some saw my love as a weakness--something to take advantage of, play a few mind games. These deceptive lovers had laughed to the bank while I saved them yet another dollar.  They had got into bed with someone else while with me.  Others made excuses as to why they couldn't/wouldn't help me despite my doing for them.

I've heard far too many lines from angry men (these are the type I typically attract).  Lines like:  "I love you...a man would be a fool to let you go...I need you...I want you...I will take care of you...I will marry you...I appreciate you...I wouldn't lie to you...I wouldn't cheat...I would never hit you."  Sure, sure, sure.  I think I am desensitized to flattering comments and sweet statements from my admirers.  I quietly sit back and say to myself, "Once the newness of me has worn off, you will be like all the rest."

But what I am at peace with is knowing that through the words I write and speak, someone somewhere is learning those subtle, as well as not-so subtle things, that manipulative lovers do to the gullible.  Wisdom that parents have no time to teach and ministers don't bother to preach. 

The more you learn from your relationship experiences, the more you will grow in wisdom.  You will not give your heart away, you will protect it.  You will not lose your mind as well as your body during a love-making experience.  Most of all, you won't be so naïve to think that someone will always love you and only you.

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy my love journey.  It is my hope that readers, who haven't experienced being in a relationship with manipulators, users, and abusers won't.  Toxic relationships affect your mind, body and spirit for years if you don't get out as soon as you can! 

Check out, there I provide information to battered men and women.

God bless.


Have Never Been in Love with My Lovers' Minds

Silly, foolish
too serious,
pretending to be knowledgeable,
dumbed down to a single syllable.

Never been in love with my lovers' minds.
Ignored the warning, flashing red signs.
Reduced my own thinking to fit in,
then hated them for the mess I got in.

TV suffocated, short skirt distracted, athlete dreamers,
ugly, naked bodies abandoned due to much eating,
they sit in cheap seating...ignorant, tired men,
Watching them with hand on chin, "Forgive me Lord for past sin."

They don't see their laziness, greed, lack of common sense.
Deep discussions intense, eyes look to run, prefer to have fun.
Undisciplined, lack focus, unable to complete a sentence..."Um, um, um..."
Dumb duh dumb!

Disputes over nothing, ignore the important things,
talk, talk, talk more than women amongst brothers
dumb, stupid ex-lovers...

They tried to put me down for their lack,
mad because I didn't have their back.
Why?  When your words hurt me
like sitting on a thumbtack?

Rid myself of you wasn't about to boo, hoo, hoo
over you. 
Where are the good men? 
Already taken, more than a few.

Started out positive in life,
despite truth cutting me like a knife.
Looked at the glass half full,
until I realized I was with a fool.
Broke my own rule--not cool!

Settled for lost, stubborn, stillborn men--
now that's a sin!

Got caught up, between sheets
tried to nurse my defeats.
Took a leap then another,
sought advice from my mother.

Never been in love with my lovers' minds,
far too many desire a huge, smelly behind.

Nicholl McGuire

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