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Happy Valentines Day!

Spiritual Poems by Nicholl Blog

When I am not on this blog, I manage my Spiritual Poems by Nicholl site as well as others.  Take a look at my creative spiritual pieces.  I hope that you will find them thought-provoking and useful to your life!

Spiritual Poems by Nicholl

Love Poem

For you I will do
what you want me to do
that's right you!

Love you for the beautiful person you are
you, my love, are my unique and magnificent star!

I looked at you from afar,
you had to know,
I wanted more than a show.

Came close, real close
to kissing you back then,
but my heart was still very much like tin.

You kept talking
and walking with me,
and made me see what true love could be!

So I took a chance
and got swept into this romance.

You helped me be the person you now see!
This is why I'm willing to make you a part of me.

Two halfs become whole.
Take a glimpse of my soul.

Can you see it?
The bright light that shines within me.
Feel me, see me, and be that one for me!

Let us live long and not wrong,
let us praise our God with a song.

Fresh air, tall trees, blue skies, and no lies,
you, me and my awaking to a sunrise!

Have my hand on my heart,
seeking that fresh start!
You are my sweet tart!
Tasty and bold,
baby you got me sold!

So take my hand and hold it real tight,
and let us seal our love with all our might!
Before God we stand,
our Maker of this land.

Staying true to who we are,
no need to stay afar.

Nicholl McGuire

Got So Much to Say

I need to tell you this before May,
got plans on leaving, can't stay.
At least I'm warning you before our wedding day!

Tried to pray,
but hey...
looks like God isn't listening to me today.

I need to tell you this before Sunday,
got plans on leaving, can't stay.
I was going to wait a little later, near May,
but hey...
confession is Saturday.

Made time for me,
oh noooww you can see me!

"Oh Hi"! You say.
I'm telling you bye, bye before we lay.
Having sex, doesn't make our relationship okay!

Since you're listening and
tears in swollen eyes are glistening,
what might you have to say,
oh so you want to pray!?

There you go with another lie,
like a red eye with a stye.
a bad romance like this has got to die,
I insist!

Can't cover it up with roses,
you might as well turn into Moses
and let your people go!

Say so long to kids,
keep wearing those lids,
you cradle robber, killing babies like SIDS!

Going around pretending you're single,
smooth talking making women tingle.

Oh, but you don't want that--
a break up, you remind me of the pact!
Well then act like it then,
and stop playing around in sin!

What are you willing to do?
I know you told a few.
Shared your heart, and our start.
Pushed our love like a shopping cart.

Blamed me for everything,
you know that's the song you like to sing.

Slow moving at first,
then an energy burst!
See the relationship is sinking
and your pleading stories are stinking.

So what will you do now?
And tell me again, "How?"
How are you going to fix things?
No need to shop for wedding rings!

I have my hand on the trigger,
so you better figure!
Starting to hate you as much
as the word n*gger.

Now that's saying alot
for someone who was bought.
Christ I had sought.

Because if I hadn't, I would have played you like a fiddle,
confused your mind like a riddle.

So yes Jesus saves,
and yes he shaves
all my pain away
and that's all I have to say!

Nicholl McGuire

The Beauty in Love

The absolutely beautiful thing about love
is not what appears before needy hands,
naive eyes, and eager legs ready to open wide,

but the beautiful thing about love...

just is.

Nicholl McGuire
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