
It's easy to say
I don't love you
I don't need you
I don't want you
It's over.

We're no good for each other
we're too young for this
we're confused over the phone.

But what is it about standing in front
of one another
looking into eyes
and not being able to think or speak
what we really, truly feel
underneath our hearts
in the pit of our stomachs.

The words are drowning reaching out to hold, to kiss
only the bandages
to cover the wounds
and you never say it
until it's too late...

Tears, screams
and physical fights
the words come from your mouth like vomit
and you can't take them back!

Mixed with hate, frustration
your vomit just lies there waiting
for you to clean it up!
But it's too late...

You should have said what
you felt, a long time ago
should have exposed your wounds,
but now,
it's too late.

So you sit back on a couch
rehearsing a new scenario.

Nicholl McGuire

Is Love Really a Pit?

I'm falling down in that pit they call love.
Everyone smiling in the pit, everyone frowning up above.

And just before I reach bottom,
I grab hold to a small rope
dangling from above
and then I begin to climb away.

Yet, the pit promises a good life.
Suffocation is my worry.
Loneliness creates confusion.
Past pain nags at my soul.

I try to climb away toward
those strangers at the top.

Their smiling, urging me on.
Then my conscience whispers
and I let go of the rope.

The strangers, up above, frown.
I fall further down into the pit
wearing a false smile
along the way
I fall.

Nicholl McGuire


It is unclear in my mind - the melody
a sweet, sad love song
for once I am alone in my feelings
no one around to share the constant struggles
of not knowing
when it's safe
to trust
to love
to care
it hurts, but it doesn't hurt
to imitate love
to create an intense passion
knowing that I couldn't care less
can't depend on anyone
to fulfill voids in my wounded heart
can't cling to anyone
to satisfy my selfish desires
yet for a price
I can be temporarily put at ease
when all my world around me
seems to be weighing on my back
I can be relieved
while lying on back
poor soul of mine
I am lost
and the love song keeps playing
and I keep trying to remember
the painful melody
one day soon I will save
my heart some grief
but for now I keep forgetting
and I continue to walk on
needles and egg shells trying
to make sense of nonsense
soon I will throw my hands up
high above my head
and I will be carried to some
higher place for a visit
and I will remember
the melody as it will play
one last time
and it will be then
that this poor soul will know.

Worldly True Love

True Love cannot be specifically explained.

True Love is blind to one's faults, differences
acknowledges beliefs
loving, trusting, caring...
True Love disagrees, money runs out, and distraction entertains.

True Love then becomes secretive,
yet open about every negative done wrong to it.
True Love is kind and understanding based on conditions met.

True Love isn't tempted as long as rules are followed.
It isn't second-guessed unless security is compromised.
True Love radiates, smiles when it is bought.

Nicholl McGuire

Business As Usual

my lovemaking
soulful, rhythmic
smooth like my brown thighs.

when I walk, I sway
from left to right
I pulsate
you gyrate
I bend
you sigh,
"Good God Almighty!"

my lovemaking
generous, passionate
and sensual
like my flavors.

when I talk, I move
my lips up and down
my tongue exposed
you swallow
I tease.

my lovemaking
creative, beautiful

when I smile, you smile
take me all in
and I know what your thinking
behind that old grin.

and our business is complete
and its time to say goodbye
as I walk away
you have one hand
on your thigh.

Nicholl McGuire

When God is Your Soul Mate

Come follow me.
A warm smile, inviting.
A soft voice, charming.
A loving embrace, soothing.

Come follow me.
I'll make you laugh.
I'll make you cry.
I'll make you shout.
I'll make you dance.
All for the sake of living.
For you are my soul mate and I am yours.

Nicholl McGuire
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